IV Nutrition Therapy
OptiHealth Institute: Eric C. Nager, MD
Anti-Aging, Functional, & Regenerative Medicine located in Baltimore, MD
If you’re deficient in certain vitamins, minerals, or nutrients, IV nutrition therapy provides a safe and effective way to restore balance to your body. At OptiHealth Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, Eric C. Nager, MD, a Board-Certified Anti-Aging, Functional, and Regenerative Medicine expert, offers several IV infusions, including cocktails that promote athletic recovery, combat migraines, and increase hydration. To see what type of IV nutrition therapy you most benefit from, make an appointment by calling the office or booking online today.
IV Nutrition Therapy Q & A
What is IV nutrition therapy?
IV nutrition therapy is an in-office treatment at OptiHealth Institute that involves Dr. Nager administering a drip of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients into your bloodstream with a needle. This allows the beneficial components to bypass your digestive system altogether, increasing absorption throughout your body.
As a result, you receive more health benefits than you would if you took a vitamin or supplement orally.
Dr. Nager oversees all vitamin IV treatments. A compounding pharmacy that uses the highest standards for quality and sterility makes each solution. Each IV treatment contains high amounts of essential vitamins and minerals, ensuring your body acquires the nutrients it needs to thrive.
What are the different types of IV nutrition therapy?
OptiHealth Institute offers several types of IV nutrition therapy:
The OptiMyers is a unique take on the Myers’ Cocktail, an IV solution John Myers, MD, developed in the 1970s. This cocktail contains:
- Magnesium
- Calcium
- Vitamin B-12
- Vitamin C
It’s beneficial for a variety of conditions, including fatigue, seasonal allergies, depression, and anxiety.
General Information on NAD+

How NAD+ is Synthesized
Importance of NAD+ In the Human Body
1) Genomic Stability
On a daily basis, reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) are released endogenously within the body; these substances cause damage to cellular DNA. In addition, exogenous factors such as carcinogens, chemical mutagens, as well as radiation may also result in cellular DNA damage. When cellular DNA damage occurs due to either endogenous or exogenous factors, genomic instability occurs, which may result in cancer development and an increased rate of cellular aging.
In order to minimize cellular DNA damage and its consequences, there is a process in the body known as DNA-damage response (DDR). DDR is a process that detects and repairs any damaged DNA in the body. DDR is a process that is highly dependent on NAD+; when amounts of NAD+ are low in the body, the DDR process is impaired, resulting in increased damage to the cellular DNA.
2) Genetic Expression
The means by which genetic information in cellular DNA is used to produce the relevant proteins or substances in the human body is known as genetic expression. Genetic expression is the process that is responsible for the development of all the physical features that define an individual, such as hair and skin color, among other physical characteristics.
One of the mechanisms by which genetic expression successfully occurs in the body is through modifying a product known as histones. Histone modification is a NAD+ dependent process; a deficiency in NAD+ levels may disrupt histone modification, which may impair genetic expression. NAD+ deficiency may also result in the methylation of cellular DNA so that genes are not expressed appropriately; this is known as genetic silencing.
3) Immunity and Inflammation
Studies have shown that NAD+ levels in the human body determine the extent as well as the effectiveness of immune responses during infection. Increased levels of NAD+ during an infection increase oxidative phosphorylation in macrophages, which makes them better able to neutralize the organism causing the infection.
In addition to the increased expression of macrophages, NAD+ also exerts anti-inflammatory effects during an infectious process. Studies have shown that the expression of inflammatory markers such as Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha (TNF-a) and Interleukin-6 (IL-6) significantly diminish when there are high cellular levels of NAD+ and its precursors.
4) Energy Metabolism
Several metabolic pathways in the human body result in the release of energy. Some examples of the energy metabolic pathways are glycolysis, tricarboxylic acid (Krebs) cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, fatty acid oxidation, and ethanol metabolism. All the energy metabolic pathways require the presence of NAD+ as a coenzyme to function properly. In the glycolytic pathway, NAD+ facilitates the catalytic reactions of Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GADPH) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). In the Krebs cycle, NAD+ functions as a coenzyme for the rate-limiting enzymes alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase, isocitrate dehydrogenase, and malate dehydrogenase. Alcohol metabolism, which occurs in liver cells, also requires NAD+ as a cofactor for the process's successful execution. A deficiency of NAD+ in the body may impact all these processes and negatively impact the effectiveness by which energy is generated and utilized by the body.
5) Circadian Clock
The circadian clock, also known as the biological clock or circadian rhythm, is an internal endogenous process that regulates the sleep-wake cycle in the human body. This internal clock helps the body adjust to different times of the day or the different seasons. The accuracy and effectiveness of the circadian clock are due in part to cellular levels of NAD+. A deficiency of NAD+ may disrupt the circadian rhythm and result in effects such as daytime sleepiness, restless sleep, hormonal imbalances, and mood alterations, among others.
6) Cardiovascular Function
The heart is the most metabolically active organ in the human body because it is constantly beating. Studies have shown that normal NAD+ levels are essential in maintaining the metabolic activity of the heart. Furthermore, in the event of a significant cardiac event such as a transient ischemic attack or myocardial infarction, normal levels of NAD+ help in the recovery from injury. Other studies have shown that a deficiency in NAD+ may result in cardiac disorders such as cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis.
7) Kidney Function
Generally, renal function has a tendency to decrease as people get older. It is suspected that reduced levels of NAD+ in the elderly may have a role to play in the reduction in renal function. Research has indicated increased protection against acute renal injury when individuals were given NAD+ supplements. In addition, NAD+ supplements stimulated the release of prostaglandin E2, which serves to improve renal function after an acute renal injury.
8) Liver Function
Normal NAD+ levels in the body are essential for the optimal functioning of the liver. Specific enzymes in the NAD+ pathways protect the liver from conditions such as hepatic fibrosis, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Several studies have been performed that show that giving individuals NAD+ supplements may boost the liver's overall health, protect it from toxic illnesses, and enhance its capacity for regeneration after a hepatic injury.
9) Neurological Function
NAD+ and its precursors have been shown to have a protective effect on the neurons in the brain after a significant neurological event such as a stroke. Having normal levels of NAD+ in the body is essential to the normal functioning and survival of cerebral neurons. Additionally, NAD+ supplements have shown some benefits in treating and preventing some neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease; this is not definite, however, and there are several ongoing studies still exploring this possibility.
Benefits of IV NAD Therapy
Given the integral role that NAD+ plays in all the body's major processes as detailed in the previous section, it is essential to ensure that NAD+ levels are optimal. If there are signs of NAD+ deficiency, such as in pellagra, which manifests as dermatitis, dementia, or diarrhea, supplemental IV NAD therapy may be warranted. In addition to signs of NAD+ deficiency, there are other reasons for which an individual may consider receiving intravenous NAD+ supplementation; some of these reasons include the following:
1) Addiction Therapy
One of the most common reasons why IV NAD+ therapy may be considered in some individuals is in the management of addiction. IV NAD+ may benefit patients weaning off opioid, alcohol, chemical, or prescription drug dependencies; it may also serve to minimize the severity of withdrawal symptoms. While the mechanism of how NAD+ works in this regard is still under investigation, it is believed that IV NAD+ helps flush drugs out of the body and reduce cravings.
2) Improved Cognition
As has previously been stated, NAD+ has been shown to exert both protective and stimulatory effects on the brain. For this reason, IV NAD+ therapy may be administered to potentially enhance memory, improve concentration, improve the ability to focus, enhance brain regeneration, and improve overall neurological function. Studies are still ongoing regarding the precise means by which exogenous NAD+ supplementation exerts these effects.
3) Chronic Fatigue
IV NAD+ therapy has been used in the management of individuals with chronic fatigue and low energy levels. NAD+ is an essential cofactor in the glycolytic pathway and tricarboxylic acid pathways; these pathways result in Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) production, which is the energy source of the human body. Through exogenous NAD+ supplementation, ATP levels in the body are increased which may have a resulting effect in boosting energy levels and reducing feelings of fatigue.
4) Athletic Performance
Due to its role in ATP production, some athletes have used IV NAD+ therapy to enhance their athletic capabilities and performance. IV NAD+ supplements may boost energy levels, improve cognition, and increase reaction times in athletes during competitions or other athletic events. In addition, studies have shown that NAD+ supplementation may assist in muscle development as well as muscle repair, leading to muscle hypertrophy and muscle hyperplasia.
5) Pain Management
One of the more novel reasons why some individuals receive IV NAD+ therapy is in managing pain. NAD+ is known to exert significant anti-inflammatory actions within body and may be used to reduce the inflammation that typically occurs with pain and, thereby, offer some relief from pain. Studies into the use of supplemental NAD+ as a form of pain control are still ongoing and the results so far are not yet definitive.
LipoMino -Fat burning+ Energy + Appetite suppressant
MICC - Fat burning
Tri-Immune Boost
Glutathione is an amino acid that is synthesized in the liver. It is a powerful detox and antioxidant agent in the body. Glutathione can be used for a variety of purposes such as clearing heavy metals from the body,/support of a healthy immune system, supporting liver/brain/lung health and optimizing athletic performance.
High-dose vitamin C
If you’re fighting a battle with cancer, you might benefit from a high-dose vitamin C infusion. Vitamin C boosts your immune system and assists your body in battling cancerous cells. In addition to fortifying your immunity, high-dose vitamin C can improve your energy levels, and ease other uncomfortable symptoms associated with cancer treatment.
B-12 injections
Vitamin B-12 plays an important role in keeping your nerves, cells, and blood healthy. If you have a B-12 deficiency, you’re more likely to experience anemia, stomach problems, and even nerve damage. A series of B-12 injections can prevent these and other issues from occurring. Dr. Nager also uses B-12 injections to assist with medically supervised weight loss programs as well as a means of increasing overall energy.
What type of IV nutrition therapy is right for me?
To determine the most beneficial type of IV nutrition therapy, make an appointment at OptiHealth Institute. During your initial consultation, Dr. Nager reviews your medical history and asks you about the symptoms you’re experiencing.
He may also order laboratory tests, including blood work and hormone analysis, to determine your current vitamin, nutrient, and hormone levels. After gathering this information, he can make a recommendation that aligns with your individual needs.
To make an IV nutrition therapy appointment at OptiHealth Institute, call the office or book online today.
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